Unable to remove PXE role in SCCM 2012

I had a server that was erroneously configured for PXE booting (WDS-server was initialized, which pretty much makes PXE booting from SCCM not work).

So the fix is obviously to disable PXE in SCCM; remove and re-add the WDS-role. Pretty straight-forward and very simple in SCCM 2012. Simply go to the distribution point and deselect PXE; and SCCM should handle the rest. Just make sure everything is removed before you re-add it.

That is; remove the REMINST-folder, and the bootfiles-folder under C:\Windows\Temp; and make sure the WDS-role disappears from the Server Manager.

Cool. Pretty easy.

Only it doesn’t work.

If you un-check the PXE-button, the apply-button doesn’t light up. You can click OK, but nothing happens. In essence what we professionals call ‘a bug’.

So instead of banging you head against the wall: go to the ‘general’ tab; and do another minor change; change the expiry on the certificate, for instance. Click apply, and ta-da; the change to the PXE role is also applied.

4 thoughts on “Unable to remove PXE role in SCCM 2012

  1. San-J

    If you change the certificate date, be sure to update distribution point for ALL boot images.

    1. hamburg mannheimer versicherung faxnummer

      Why does it go to a private corporation and borrow its intellectual property at interest? because it has a vested interest also I guess and thus is no longer a lawful government imo.Of courseBut that’s the way life is. In the US as far as I can make out the Fed issued money to the banks at almost no interest. Then the banks used this money to buy Govt bonds at 3 or 4%The taxpayer is being screwed badly but unless they wake up to this. Which is unlikely so will continue. Peopel are like children who trust too much.


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