We spent quite a bit of time cursing at this problem. In essence, a SCCM 2012 deployment, where all ‘required’ deployments were simply stuck at ‘Past due – Will be installed’. Clicking ‘Install all required’ worked, but was obviously not an option.
So after plowing through log after log and everything looking fine and dandy; the deployments simply wouldn’t fire; I went though all the client default settings. An lo an behold. The perpetrator was right there, inadvertenty enabled. This setting should not be set, unless; to quote technet:
Enable this option only if one of the following conditions apply:
- You use a vendor solution that requires this setting to be enabled.
- You use the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager software development kit (SDK) to manage client agent notifications and the installation of applications and software updates.
If you select this option when neither of these conditions apply, software updates and required applications will not install on clients. This setting does not prevent users from installing applications from the Application Catalog, or prevent packages and programs, and task sequences from being installed on client computers.
So this option “Agent extensions manage the deployment of application and software updates” should be set to “False” to fix problem with “Past due – Will be installed” or should be set to “True” ?
It should be set to false. 🙂
Thanks. Will check this tomorrow.
The other thing to check, is whether you have duplicate devices in your devicelist.
Kristoffer, what do you mean by duplicate devices in your device list? We are seeing this problem on our server yets that setting is set to false.
If you have multiple devices registered in SCCM with the same name. That could effectively halt all required deployments for those devices.
Great, this fixed my problem with updates sat in the list waiting to install.
Glad to hear it sir 🙂
Is it possible, that this entry is not present in SP1 anymore?
It’s there, but I believe they changed the name of the option. I’ll have to check.
I guess it’s the “Additional software manages the deployment of applications and software updates” but this is set to false. Nevertheless my updates still stay at Past du – will be installed….
I just don’t get where my failure is….
That’s the one. Is it consistent for all applications?
No sir. It only occurs on Software Updates. Applications work fine.
Do you have any Idea?
Where do you find this setting? Please let me know.
This setting is available at administration node > Client Settings > Default client settings > Computer agent
Thanks for this post ‘Kristoffer’, It worked.